Factoring Services for Small & Medium-sized Businesses



— October 22, 2015

How to Improve Your Writing Skills

Do you remember the first time you sat down to write an article, a blog or something of relevance? We have all been there: sometimes the words are there and just flow smoothly, other times they do not. So what’s the secret to keeping the creative juices flowing every time you sit down to write? How do you block out distractions, fit writing into your schedule, stay focused and nail it?

— October 21, 2015

Reasons Why Notes and Lists Can Make You More Productive

In today’s business environment, technology promoters preach that technological advances enable us to do more in less time…therefore, expectations are high. We can login remotely to file servers and basically work from anywhere that has internet connectivity. With that in mind, it allows us to do more in less time…or so they say.

— October 20, 2015

Ways to Save Money

Starting and maintaining a small business can feel like putting a black hole in your bank account. You’ll start to wonder how anyone could possibly spend so much money and survive. Even with a great paper trail and smart spending habits it can be hard to keep up with all the expenses.

— October 14, 2015

Benefits of Factoring

Factoring has become a normal part of life in the 21st century. While it has been around for many years, its recent popularity can be attributed to many changes in the perception of business owners, including harsher loan climates.

— October 13, 2015

6 Ways to Grow your Business

My question was, for those who do step out to start their own businesses and are successful, how do they make their businesses grow?

— September 22, 2015

How Much Money does my Startup Need?

Startups seem to come from everywhere these days. Diligent people - young and old - have begun branching out of their comfort zones to follow dreams of success in business. While a small few succeed without incident, more are subject to the harsh realities of finding and maintaining funding for their business. Even the most promising of startups can see a sharp decline, and eventual fall, when a strong financial cushion is not established.

— September 22, 2015

Your Commute: Ways to Enjoy it and Make it More Worthwhile

This article is for all of you in Houston, Dallas, Austin or any other big city that has rush hour traffic. It is for those of you that hate those drives because it seems like the most unproductive time of your day

— September 14, 2015

Bank loans What are the Facts?

It's easy to get a loan unless you need it. - Norman Ralph Augustine

— September 3, 2015

How to Stay Healthy in a Desk Career

Recommendations to stay healthy while working in an office.

— August 26, 2015

Differing Shades of Entrepreneurs

What is it that drives individuals to start a company? At what point does one become compelled to take risk and make the move?

— August 18, 2015

What Industries Benefit Most from Factoring

Factoring has become a normal part of life in the 21st century. While it has been around for many years, its recent popularity can be attributed to many changes in the perception of business.

— August 10, 2015

How Much Cash Do I Need for a Rainy Day?

The only guarantee in life (other than death and taxes, of course) is that things change, and not always for the better. When it comes to saving money just in case, understanding life's instability will help you prepare for the worst.

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Catamount has always been there for us and has been very instrumental in helping us succeed.

-Victor G., Equipment Paint & Blast

Without Catamount we would not be where we are today...period. They have been a tremendous help and are very supportive!

-Angelos P., Oilfield Trucking

When we needed help Catamount stood up to the plate for us. Their service is outstanding...great people to work with!

-Jimmy F., Welding & Fabrication